Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two roads diverged...

Most often, I adore Saturdays. It's not because of the rest it gives me or the ability to do whatever I want. Most depressingly, I love Saturdays for the additional time to get even more work done. That's "most often". Today was another story. It was like one of those scenarios that is described and then followed by the caveat "when pigs fly". I had NOTHING that I had to do. Absolutely nothing! Every project, test, lesson teaching, etc was done last week. Hence, I had nothing to do for next week! So what did I do? Watch some "West Wing", fiddle around with some pictures on the computer, take a 2 1/2 hour walk exploring the area, and taking lots of pretty pictures of trees and such, making dinner, and lazing around.....Absolutely incredible. Be jealous.

I love taking pictures. I've always wanted to be one of those people who can walk around with a camera and just take lots of pictures of nature. So, per my latest experiment, I decided to go for it! Being early March, nothing was really green, but it was still very pretty. It was so much fun! You should try it, even if you've lived in the same place since birth. You'll see lots of new things through a camera. Below are some of my favorites and some of the more quirky ones!

"...and I took the one less traveled by."
Is it just me, or does the handicapped spot seem a bit superfluous?

I liked comparison of both man-made and nature surrounding a path to walk down.

Creepy house. Needless to say, I did not linger.


I just liked this picture.

Hello. I'm a card carrying member of "self-picture takers anonymous"
It's been an issue since I was little.
Moving on.

The weekend started off even better because on Friday night a dear friend had her recital. You can't truly know beauty, grace, and God until you see this woman play. She has such a power erupting in her when she plays at the piano. I love recitals like this. I love them even more when I'm not the one playing!

What does the week ahead hold? I'm playing in performance class again on Tuesday. And this time, I found out a mere 5 days before. I think this is my teacher's sneaky plan: avoid the pre-performance debacle . That would be something that she would do. Especially since she is currently going through a little nutty all on her her own words, right as we were starting Thursday's lesson.... "I'm a little bitchy today". Looks like even she's not immune to performance anxiety. I'm actually feeling okay about it. Then again, this is Saturday night after a day of no stress whatsoever, so, you might want to check back with me Monday night.

I also found out about my Cabaret audition!! It must have gone well because I was offered an ensemble part! Yipppeee! Smile!! As previously alluded to, many many times, I can't dance, so I wasn't looking for a principle role. Unfortunately, I've had to turn it down. Major, major boo. I haven't finalized my paid job this summer, so I can't accept anything that would interfere with the money. (Insert "money money money moooney.  moooooney") Being an adult is annoying sometimes.

I've got some other stuff coming up, though. Paid summer stock. Again, pigs will fly..........

Also, I'm generally just feeling really good lately. I'm happy, healthy, and living life. I take pictures, sing, read books that I want to read, stalk youtube, cook new and fun food, and still manage to keep up with crazy school and everything else. I'm living life as best as I can. I think I'm doing okay!

Much Love,


  1. Lauren + camera = self-portrait

    'nuf said


  2. Congratulations Lauren on making Cabaret! It sucks that you have to turn it down... :( BUT that's still cool that you went out and did it and made it!!! This blog is so inspiring!!!

    P.S. YES to the pics. You're beautiful inside and out!

    Hannah Gee
